We all know that a huge Ancillary Revenue stream for airlines is “Travel Insurance”. Although FMV will admit that we don’t know anyone that actually buys it – we are repeatedly told by airlines that everyone does.
A NY Times article last week explained that people who buy travel insurance tend to think that they are then less likely to lose their bags, get sick or have an accident. The psychology of buying insurance is fairly interesting, but then the NY Times had go and mess it up:
“These results presumably come as no surprise to marketers of travel insurance, which is now purchased by half of American leisure travelers — a fivefold increase since 2001, according to the United States Travel Insurance Association.”
Huh? *HALF* of leisure travelers now purchase travel insurance?? That sounds pretty unbelievable that so many travelers would add this premium to their vacation travel costs. As a result, we decided to do our own research at the US TIA website:
“Utilizing industry and government statistics we estimate that approximately half of Americans who took a cruise, tour or international leisure air trip in 2005 purchased a per trip insurance policy,” notes Brad Finkle, USTIA president.
AHHHH - That still sounds high to FMV, but a little more believable. It's not all leisure travellers, it's the subset purchasing cruises, tours, and international. It's especially logical for tours - because in some cases the cost of travel insurance is actually baked into the package price. However, FMV feels vindicated that the NY times was wrong. We maintain it's going to be a stretch to get half the hapless rubes on the redeye from Vegas to buy insurance. Unless the dealer's showing an ace, of course.