
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don't Call Us...

We need to take a short pause today to commemorate the birthday of one of our greatest leaders. President Lincoln? Sure, him too. We were thinking Jenn, the virtual agent, at Alaska Airlines. We're a touch belated, as she actually turned one a couple days back. [For pure comedic value, as well as some background on the project, read this interview with Jenn that appeared in Travel Weekly last March.]


Alaska notes that Jenn has facilitated 1.5M chat sessions in her first year of life. Think of the benefits that provided. Let's assume she improved site conversion, driving a little revenue and possibly removing some channel costs. She has to have saved a few dollars in the call center, answering the easy questions that choke the lines for other customers. Throw on a little free publicity, and we're guessing Jenn's paid for herself already.

Jenn's milestone comes as United Airlines announced it will no longer allow customers to lodge complaints over the phone. Surely this will result in a more consistent, and probably better, response to complaints. Not to mention it probably will save money.

American also AAnnounced new cAAll center AAutomation.

As the industry continues to look for cost savings, and customers adapt to self-service, we expect to see much more fine tuning in the call centers. Especially if consumers start to question the value they are receiving for call center transaction fees.

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